Tired of comparing hotel room rates on countless websites?
We guarantee that our website always provides the best available rates that can be found online!
If you find lower directly online bookable rates with comparable booking conditions* within 24 hours after your reservation through our website, we will give you the lower rate and additionally 10% discount on the lower rate.
* Comparable booking conditions means, that the following booking details must match:
* Identical arrival and departure date
* Identical room category
* Identical benefits that are included in the room rate: VAT, breakfast, other services included in the room rate
* Identical payment, prepayment and cancellation policy
Our Best Available Rate Guarantee does not apply to
* Portals which provide only price listings without online booking possibility
* Websites that offer or list non-public rates like company rates, expedient rates, group rates or rates negotiated with other organizations
If you found a better offer for your booking anywhere online and our Best Available Rate Guarantee matches, tell us the details by e-mail within 24 hours after your booking, but before arrival, and we will check your claim.